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No Fee Unless You
ERISA Liens and 100% Reimbursement
When you are injured in an accident and your medical insurance pays some (if not all) of your medical bills, it expects to be reimbursed...
Car, Truck & Motorcycle Accidents with Comparative Fault
California law follows ‘comparative fault’ rules when the victim of a car, truck or motorcycle accident is partly responsible for causing...
Vehicle Owner’s Liability Following a Car Accident – Identity and Permission
California law imposes financial liability on the owner of a vehicle involved in a car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, or...
Top 4 CA Vehicle Code Violations Resulting in Injury Accidents
The California Vehicle Code (CVC) governs the rules and responsibilities of all persons operating a car, truck, motorcycle or other motor...
Med-Pay Coverage
A standard option, for an additional charge that is quite minimal, which is available under your car insurance policy is whether or not...
Bad-Faith Insurance Claims
Following a car accident (or any accident or circumstance where the victim’s own insurance coverage is applicable), a personal injury...
How Prop 51 Impacts Your Personal Injury Claim
In every personal injury claim, damages are broken down into two categories: Economic and Non-Economic. Economic damages are those...
Mitigation After an Accident: Cases to Consider
In a previous blog post, Injured Victim’s Duty to Mitigate Damages After an Injury Accident, an overview was provided on a car, truck,...
Proving a Negligence Per Se Cause of Action in a Personal Injury Accident
Separate and distinct from a pure negligence cause of action (see Injury Accident Cause of Action? Negligence), a negligence per se cause...
Comparative Negligence vs. Contributory Negligence – What’s the Difference?
Under California law, anyone who negligently injures another person may be found liable for all damages stemming from such injury....
Asserting the Rescue Doctrine After an Accident
In California, the law provides a certain level of protection (in the form of a cause of action) for an individual who is injured while...
Thin-Skulled Personal Injury Victim: Legally Defined
In a previous blog post (see Pre-Existing Injuries in a Personal Injury Claim) the ‘thin-skulled’ plaintiff (otherwise known as the...
Copy of Series: Important Discovery Procedures in a Personal Injury Accident Claim (Post 2)
In a previous blog, we discussed the initial overview of commencing a civil complaint when negotiations break down when attempting to...
Series: Important Discovery Procedures in a Personal Injury Accident Claim (Post 1)
This blog series will cover important rules, timelines and purposes for various discovery procedures related to any car accident, truck...
CCP Section 998 Offers in a Personal Injury Case
While the vast majority of car, truck, and motorcycle accidents settle outside of court, there are a set few that unfortunately can’t...
Recovering Costs After Multiple CCP 998 Offers
In a prior blog entry, CCP Section 998 Offers in a Personal Injury Case, we discussed the importance a CCP 998 settlement offer plays in...
Attacked by Someone’s Wild Animal? Strict Liability it is…
A previous blog post discussed how California law follows a theory of liability known as “strict liability” for the owner of a dog that...
Rules for the Good Samaritan Helping an Injured Victim in an Accident
In our previous blog post, If a Child is Injured and in Need of Help, Do You Have to Help?, we discovered that there is no affirmative...
If a Child is Injured and in Need of Help, Do You have to Help?
While driving down a rural country road, you see a 7-year old kid yelling to you for help. He is bleeding badly and in need of assistance...
Standard of Care for Minors after an Injury Accident
Undeniably, children are treated differently under the law than adults. This is true both in the criminal courts, as well as the civil...
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